Wind & Yoga on the Boat

Our boat is docked at the very end of a dock at the point of which there are seasonal businesses, one for jet skiing and for diving. Both have a small wooden structure with a straight, wooden platform or two. When I first saw these I became very excited because I figured I could do

Changes to Slowmotion

Our objective during our 3 months’ stay in the south of France is to do “work” on the boat. I realize many people don’t quite understand what type of work we were planning on doing, so I decided to write a post with a few of the changes we have done to Slowmotion. When I

Traveling with a Cat

What about the cat? In addition to the flat, people have asked us what we are planning on doing with Moody, our cat. We are bringing him with us, of course! Traveling with an Oriental Short Hair, a breed renowned for its strong sense of communication, can be a bit daunting (not to say down-right


Bonjour Je pense refaire un peu la deco de Slowmotion. Aujourd’hui il y a une tortue à l’avant de chaque de coque. J’ai essayé avec les moyens du bord de faire 4 prototypes de modification. Laquelle préférez vous ? Les couleurs peuvent changer en fonction de ce que je trouverais comme autocollants. Je viens de

Our Last Night in Paris

In the south of France, you need wheels to get around. Our options were to buy a car, rent one, or use Pierrick’s classic car. We chose the latter. The plan was to send La Dolce (short for La Dolce Vita, her name) down south by train. We could freight her as south as Avignon.

Bye Bye City of Lights!

I have been rubbish at writing for our blog, so please allow me to begin at the beginning of this great adventure…. which is when we finally left Paris! Most readers of this blog know that I am not from Paris and never liked living there. Of course, the city is beautiful and it’s a great